Installing : Installing the UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit : Licensing UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit : Sending email alerts when licenses are about to expire
Sending email alerts when licenses are about to expire
You can configure the License Server to send alert emails when license files are about to expire, or have already expired. Email alerts are sent shortly after the License Server starts, and then every 24 hours.
To configure the email server and addresses, see [EmailAlerts] section.
Localization of email content
To change the text of the email messages (for example, to send them in a different language), use these parameters in the [EmailAlerts] section:
Default value: UNICOM License Server Error: Some Licenses have expired
Default value: The following Licenses have expired:
Default value: UNICOM License Server Warning: Some Licenses are approaching expiry
Default value: The following Licenses are approaching expiry:
Default value: YYYY-MM-DD Expiry Date
Default value: days ago
Default value: days to go
Default value: Please contact your local UNICOM Global Support representative to obtain an updated License file.
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Licensing UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit