Installing : Installing the UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit : Licensing UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit : Managing users’ access to licenses : Controlling who can use the license: Named users file
Controlling who can use the license: Named users file
The named user definitions for a license are in a file which has the same name as the license file, plus a filename extension of NamedUsers. For example, if the license file is called License.ABC, the named users file is called “License.ABC.NamedUsers”).
The default location of the named users files is the same directory as the license. To use a named users file in a different directory, see NamedUserFilesPath=directorypath.
To find the location of the named users file, use the License Management Console (see Managing licenses.
Structure of the named users file
A named users file contains sections for each named user category in the associated license file. Each section contains a list of the users in that category.
If a license file called License.ABC defines two named users categories:
[License Manager]
Allowed Hosts=MY-PC
NamedAdmins=3 Named Users
NamedUsers=5 Named Users
... then the associated License.ABC.NamedUsers file looks like this:
If any group definition contains too many names, those defined last are ignored.
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Managing users’ access to licenses