Installing : Installing the UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit : Licensing UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit : License Server: UDTT project configuration
License Server: UDTT project configuration
Configure the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) project by completing the following steps:
1 Place the ULT Engine driver in your system.
The ULT Engine drivers are in the compressed file:
Please uncompress it and select the driver according to the OS platform of the UDTT server. For example, for 64 bit AIX it is libultclientjni.a, for AIX of 32 bit it is libultclientjni32.a.
The ULT Engine driver library should be put in the user-defined directory together with the UDTT license file, for example, "/home/UDTT/license/", then in the btt.xml set the user-defined path and file (step 3).
2 Place ULTClient.jar in the WAS common library folder, such as:
C:\Program Files(x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\ULTClient.jar
The newest version of the License Server library is in:
3 Configure the license in btt.xml, such as:
   <!-- insert the following content under settings tag of btt.xml --/>
<kColl id="License">
   <field id="licenseServerAddress"
          value="" />
   <field id="licenseFilePath"
          value="/home/UDTT/license/License.BTT" />
   <field id="licenseLibraryPath"
          value="/home/UDTT/license/libultclientjni.a" />
4 Every time UDTT is started, it connects to the license server to refresh the local license file defined in the above path. When the license server is down, UDTT will use the latest local license file. We recommend that you manually copy the license file into the license file path defined in btt.xml at first.
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Licensing UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit