Runtime components : Channels components : Key features
Key features
The client/server connectivity components provide all the options to execute UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) logic in the application server from applications running in disparate client environments. The entry points to the application server are different based on the type of client device and the communication protocol being used by the client application. Each of these entry points relates to a specific request handler able to manage channel-specific considerations. To isolate the way of receiving the requests for a specific channel from the application server logic, the toolkit defines some common interfaces to be used by any of the request handler implementations. These definitions are known as the multichannel architecture, and all the channels listed in client/server connectivity implement multichannel support.
The following are the client/server connectivity components:
Java Channel
HTML Channel
JSF Channel
Web 2.0 Channel
Struts Extensions
This documentation describes the concepts, tasks, and references that are common to all client/server connectivity components. It includes descriptions of all the components used for multichannel support, as well as instructions on how to use application sessions and subsessions, manage timeouts, and add a new channel device.
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Channels components