Runtime components : Channels components : HTML Channel : Concepts : Navigation and business logic : HTML flow processor : Subprocess flow
Subprocess flow
The flow processor can transition to a state that is defined as an entry to a subflow that has its own separately defined flow processor. A subflow has its own context, which is isolated from the context of the parent flow. The toolkit allows you to define data mappers from the parent to the child context, thus enabling separate namespaces and the ability to reuse the subflows from different parent flows. When the navigation of this subflow is complete, the specified data mapper copies the reply data to the parent context and the control of the flow returns to the parent flow.
Following is the code sample for subprocess flow:
<htmlState id="financialInfoState" type="subFlow" typeIdInfo="financialInfoProc">
    <htmlTransition id="financialInfoState.OK"
outputMapFmt="financialInfoToCreditApplFormat" targetState="selectCardsOpState"/>
    <htmlTransition id="financialInfoState.notOK"
outputMapFmt="errorMessagesMapper" targetState="finalNotOK"/>
    <transition id="financialInfoState.canceled" targetState="creditCardsWellcome"/>
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HTML flow processor