Runtime components : Channels components : HTML Channel : Concepts : Exception and error management
Exception and error management
This feature of HTML Channel controls the errors and exceptions that have not been managed by the operations.
The following standard functionality is provided:
Insertion of the data associated with an exception into the toolkit trace system
Reservation of the flow processor instance and context for user to restore current flow and re-submit the corrected data.
User can go back to the previous flow step. Since the previous input data are still remained, user can mitigate the error data input. If the flow cannot be mitigated, the flow processor instance and context will be cleaned after the time-out of the flow.
Return of a generic error page to the user with the option to return to the home page
In the server-side toolkit configuration file (btt.xml), under the HtmlClient keyed collection, the attribute errorPage is the name of a JSP that is displayed when a system exception occurs. When this page is displayed by the presentation handler, the exception itself will be saved in the request under the key name "exception" (actually the key name is saved symbolically as The JSP can use the JSP Context Services bean to check for errors that were detected during the data validation process. The JSP can then retrieve and manage the specific data field error.
Advanced error handling
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