Runtime components : Channels components : HTML Channel : Reference : Mandatory hidden form fields
Mandatory hidden form fields
Any operation that causes an HTML page to be displayed on the HTML client must include the following mandatory hidden fields on the page.
Mandatory hidden data fields
The session ID for the page.
This name is required on the form by the toolkit, although you may define it with no value if your application does not require it.
If you define your operation with no parent context in its static definition, the toolkit checks for a name in dse_parentContextName. If there is a dse_parentContextName, the operation uses this as its parent context. If there is no dse_parentContextName specified, the operation runs using the session context as its parent context.
The name of the operation or processor to perform when the form is submitted. You determine this name when you design the Web application.
Each page displayed for a session has a unique numeric ID determined for it by the getNextPageId() method in the RequestValidationServices class during the JSP generation. This number is used by the toolkit for controlling abnormal process flow such as that originated by the browser's back button.
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