Runtime components : Channels components : HTML Channel : Reference : HTML Channel classes :
This class is a subclass of DSEServerOperation and implements the ProcessorOperation interface. DSEHtmlProcessorOperation acts as a intermediary between the channel driver handler (in this case the HtmlRequestHandler) and the Processor. This class is also responsible for calling a subsequent processor if a state is of the "subFlow" type.
This class extends ProcessorManager to handle the creation and saving of the process based on the HTML Channel requirements. The instances of the processors are not kept in memory between session requests. Instead, their basic information and context are saved and the processor is reinitialized every time a request for the same processor arrives. This allows a customer to customize the solution as an environment with no server affinity.
DSEProcessor class implements a state machine and allows the externalization of a process flow. DSEHtmlProcessor extends DSEProcessor to provide additional behavior required by HTML Channel, such as the ability to update the context with a KeyedCollection with request's data, a different initialization, and the handling of a parent processor. DSEHtmlProcessor is an abstract class and needs to be subclassed with any additional behavior required.
This class extends DSEState to handle special requirements for HTML clients. It handles the following types of states:
page. When a state of type "page" is reached, control is passed back to the HtmlRequestHandler, which requests the HtmlPresentationHandler to process the reply. The page to be processed depends on the value assigned to the typeIdInfo parameter of the current state (see Flow processor definition).
initial. This is the first state of the process. It should not have business behavior. The standard is to use the start event to transition to the next state. There should be only one state of this type.
final. This is the last state of the process. There may be more than one final state. If the processor has a parent, the event passed to the state in which the parent processor exists depends on the value specified in the typeIdInfo parameter of the state. If it has no parent, the home page is shown.
default. This state occurs when the specified actions are executed with the standard behavior. This type is used if the type is not defined.
subFlow. This state starts the execution of another process. The processor to be run is defined in the typeIdInfo parameter of the subFlow state. Control is passed to the DSEHtmlProcessorOperation, which executes the specified processor.
The HtmlProcessorInfo class is a data holder for the processor's name, the current state, and the ID of the parent processor if it exists. A "processorTable" hashtable is created in the session context with the processorId as key and the HtmlProcessorInfo as value.
ProcessorOperation (interface)
The APIs for a ProcessorOperation class defined by this interface are execute(String eventName), updateContext(KeyedCollection requestDataKColl), and the getter and setter for the processor object. The eventName passed is extracted from the request. There needs to be coordination between the creation of the JSP and the externalized definition of the process. For more information refer to the Flow processor example.
ProcessorXValidate (interface)
The API for a ProcessorOperation class defined by this interface is xValidate( Context, String).
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HTML Channel classes