Runtime components : Channels components : HTML Channel : Reference : Custom JSP tags : ButtonGroupTag
A ButtonGroupTag references a DataCollection in the context hierarchy and creates a group of radio buttons or check boxes (input elements) for the collection elements.
Mandatory attributes
dataNameForList, dataName
ButtonGroupTag attributes
ID of the DataCollection.
If the DataCollection is a KeyedCollection, the toolkit looks for the inner data field containing the same value as the data field named dataName. The button group uses the inner data field's ID as the label.
If the DataCollection is an IndexedCollection, the inner elements must be KeyedCollections, and the item and value attributes are mandatory. The button group uses the collection field named in the item attribute as the option label and uses the collection field named in the value attribute as the option value.
Name of the DataField in the context hierarchy. If the DataField is read only, in Internet Explorer the combo box is also read only.
If a form containing a radio button or check box group is submitted, the context's element named dataName is set with the group's value (either a String or a String[] depending on how many option elements the user selected).
Whether the user can select more than one option
Default value: no
Collection field to use as the option label
Default value: null
Collection field to use as the option value
Color of the text
Default value: null
Size of the text
Default value: null
Typeface of the text
Default value: null
Style for the button group
Default value: null
Adds attributes to the input element. The following is the format of this attribute:
Default value: null
<H1>Using the ButtonGroup Tag</H1>
<dse:form name="f1" nextEventName="ok">
<table border="1" width="75%"><tr><td>
<dse:bGroup dataName="selectedMaritalStatus"
<dse:bGroup dataName="selectedSport" fontColor="navy" fontSize="-1"
multipleSelection="yes" /></td></tr><tr><td>
<dse:bGroup dataName="selectedPreferredPhone" dataNameForList="phonesList"
item="name" value="type"/></td><td>
<dse:bGroup dataName="selectedAccount" dataNameForList="accountsList" item="name"
value="number" multipleSelection="yes"/>
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Custom JSP tags