Runtime components : Channels components : Java Client/Server Messaging APIs : Concepts : Client/Server flow
Client/Server flow
The following process describes what happens when a Java client uses the C/S Messaging API to communicate with the server. The process assumes that the Java client is using a navigation controller for the view navigation and that UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) operation handle the business logic in the application logic layer.
1 The user requests some action in the client user interface.
2 The client initializes the client operation and its context. The client chains the context to the appropriate context in the context hierarchy.
3 The client operation uses a CSClient instance to send the request to the server and to indicate the csReplyFormat that will returned by server used to unformat the response data from server. The client operation definition identifies the server operation . The CSClient creates the request and accesses the operation context to populates the request with the required data.
4 On the server, the Client/Server Mechanism handles the incoming request.
5 In server side, JavaRequestHandler will take the request.
6 The JavaRequestHandler will unformat the formatted data and convert it to context, then it calls the UDTT operation responsible for handling the server operation as a business process.
7 The application logic layer returns a response message. The JavaRequestHandler formats the data and returns the formatted data to the presentation handler.
8 The presentation handler renders the data so that the Java client can display it properly.
9 The multichannel architecture sends the rendered data to the client. The multichannel architecture formats the data into the context hierarchy on the client side using the csReplyFormat.
10 The client displays the result data in a view.
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