Runtime components : Channels components : AJAX channel : Concepts : AJAX file upload request overview : File upload servlet
File upload servlet
The FileuploadServlet class receives file upload requests, and then it uses back end operations that process the request. The file upload servlet must be configured in the btt.xml file.
Example file upload servlet configuration
<!-- request timeout check duration, in milli-seconds, default value is 20*60*1000 -->
In this example, the checkDuration parameter is specified. The checkDuration parameter specifies the length of time that is required for the file upload servlet to check the file upload request. If, at run time, the length of time that it takes for the file upload servlet to check the request is longer than the value that is specified in the checkDuration parameter, the file upload request times out. The value of the checkDuration parameter can be changed according to the operation environment.
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AJAX file upload request overview