Runtime components : Channels components : AJAX channel : Concepts : Navigation and business logic : Disable backward/forward navigation and page refresh in browser
Disable backward/forward navigation and page refresh in browser
The navigation or refresh brings the user to the login page, instead of where the user was in the flow. UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides a solution to disable backward/forward navigation and page refresh in browser.
The solution is based on client-side code to disable the navigation or refresh by Keyboard and Toolbar Button.
Events & Implementations
There are 4 events you can moniter:
Forward navigation
Backward navigation
Page refresh
Leave (to other URL or Browser refresh)
UDTT adds default implementations for these 4 events to NavigationEngine.js .
forward : function (evt), return true/false
backward : function (evt), return true/false
refresh : function (evt), return true/false
leave : function (evt), return String to represent in Popup Dialog
UDTT defines the 4 handlers in js/config/navigationHandler.js:
Name: back/forward/refresh/leave
Handler: function(event)
Both Keyboard and MenuBar control can deal with the four handlers.
All Keyboard events are monitored by UDTT KeyBoardManager. UDTT provides default listeners at js/keymap/globalKeyMap.js, including
F5 and its combinations(Ctrl+F5,etc) to refresh API of previous page
Ctrl + R combination to refresh API
Ctrl + right arrow key combination to forward API
Ctrl + left arrow key combination to backward API
BACKSPACE to backward API
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In js/config/navigationHandler.js, users can change the handler to provide custom implementation
Return false will disable the event and other value will enable the handling.
Users can delete one or more pairs if they don’t want, such as leave.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
ToolBar / Menu buttons
Toolbar/Menu buttons in Browser can also trigger back/forward/leave event. Refresh event is treated like leave.
To capture the events, UDTT will
Increase Hash after each page renders, except popupDialog and remoteFlow
Monitor hashChange event
When -- happens, call backward API and reject the change if the return value is “false”.
When ++ happens, call forward API and reject the change if the return value is “false”.
When the URL is changed, UDTT will monitor the leave event.
Leave Handler will:
return a String instead of TRUE/FALSE.
pop up a dialog asking if you leave or stay. Some browsers, such as IE and Chrome will display the returned String along with Leave or Cancel buttons.
Leave: leave the page.
Cancel: keep everything unchanged.
If you don't need leave handler, you can delete it.
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Navigation and business logic