Runtime components : Channels components : AJAX channel : Tasks : Configuring cross-field validation error messages
Configuring cross-field validation error messages
This section describes how to configure a cross-field validation error message by using the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) Message widget.
To configure a cross-field validation error message by using the UDTT Message widget, do the following steps:
1 In the XUI editor, drag a Message widget from the Palette to the XUI editing space.
2 Click the Message widget in the XUI editing space to which you want to add a cross-field validation error message. The properties and value of the Message widget displays in the Properties tab. If you do not have the Properties tab open, click Window > Show View > Properties to open the Properties tab.
3 In the Properties tab of Message view, click dataName.
4 In the Value column for the dataName property, type dse_errorMessages.
Enterdse_errorMessages in the Value column of the dataName property.
5 Generate a JSP page.
Right-click the XUI file that contains the Message widget that you have just configured.
Click XUI Editor > Generate Dojo Page.
A new page under the Web Content folder of your project is generated that contains JSP and JavaScript code. In the .jsp file, the Message widget displays the cross-field error message.
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