Runtime components : Channels components : Mobile Channel : Tasks : Managing sessions : Expiring session
Expiring session
The UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) server environment uses HttpSession to manage sessions, so it can leverage HTTPSessionListener to handle Session Expiration.
You can configure the TimeoutHandler in the UDTT server application web deployment descriptor (web.xml). implements HTTPSessionListener:
The session can expire in the following two ways:
Session expiring explicitly:
eRCP application expires session explicitly when the user logs off.
The following diagram illustrates the procedure of how session expires explicitly:
Diagram illustrating the procedure of how session expiresexplicitly
1 When the user logs off, the eRCP application invokes LogOff Operation through MobileAdapter.
2 MobileRequestServlet redirects the request to MobileRequestHandler.
3 MobileRequestHandler invokes LogOffOperation to do the cleanup job related to business logic.
4 LogOffOpreration marks the session expired and returns.
5 MobileRequestServlet cleans the session and invalidates the HttpSession.
6 MobileRequestHandler invokes MobilePresentationHandler to response.
7 MobileAdapter gets the response.
Session expiring when timeout
When the HTTP Session times out, the TimeoutHandler will be invoked automatically to clean the session. The interval of session timeout can be configured in Application Server admin console.
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Managing sessions