Runtime components : Channels components : Single action EJB : Concepts : How single action EJBs work
How single action EJBs work
The following process is a generic description of what happens when a UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) application needs to perform a single activity in the application logic layer.
1 When a request for a specific invoker comes, the Java Request Handler or the Struts EJBAction turns to the Bean Invoker Factory for an instance of that invoker.
2 The Bean Invoker Factory returns an instance of the required invoker to the Java Request Handler or the Struts Framework.
3 The Java Request Handler or the Struts Framework passes the session data to the invoker.
4 The invoker creates an EJB proxy with the session data and passes the request to the corresponding Single Action EJB.
5 The Single Action EJB processes the request.
6 The Single Action EJB returns the transaction result to the invoker.
See the Bean Invoker Factory documents for more about how the Bean Invoker Factory handles the requests.
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