Runtime components : Channels components : Single action EJB : Concepts : Web Service JSR 109 standard compliance : Invoking JSR109
Invoking JSR109
In Application Developer or WebSphere Integration Developer, the IDE generates the Web Service based on EJB or Servlet, and provides the invoke proxy in a strong-type manner.
If you want to invoke JSR109 style Web Service inside UDTT invoker, do the following:
1 Add reference:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Add invocation code:
* @see
Public Object executeEJB() throws Exceptions {

return (new AccountStatementPorxy()).execute((string) getEjbParameters().get("request"));
To generate a JSR109 service object
1 Right-click the Object (JavaBean, servlet, Single Action EJB, etc), and select Web Services > Create Web Service
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Follow the wizard till you finished generating a JSR109 service object.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Web Service JSR 109 standard compliance