Runtime components : Channels components : Single action EJB : Tasks : Creating a single action EJB
Creating a single action EJB
To create a Single Action EJB, do the following:
1 In the J2EE perspective of the Rational Application Developer (RAD), select from the menu File > New > Enterprise Application Project to load the New Enterprise Application Project window.
2 Create a new J2EE 1.4 Enterprise Application project and its associated EJB module. You can also use an existing EJB module.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 In your Application Developer, right-click the EJB module of your J2EE project, and select Properties. A window pops up.
4 In the left navigation tree of the new window, select Java Build Path.
5 On the right panel, select the Libraries tab.
6 Click the Add External JARs button. The JAR Selection window pops up.
7 Browse to the following .jar files and add them as the external JARs:
You can find these .jar files in the /jars directory of your toolkit installation folder.
8 Right-click the EJB module of your J2EE project, select New > Enterprise Bean to create a session EJB.
9 When the wizard prompts for session type, select either Stateful or Statelesss according to your need.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
10 When the wizard prompts for the Bean superclass, enter
11 Click Finish. Your Single Action EJB is created but is now with errors because it lacks UDTT Exception definitions.
12 Write your business logic into the bean based on the methods that the BaseSingleAction offers.
13 Configure your Single Action EJB.
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