Runtime components : Core components : Data elements : Tasks : Defining data elements
Defining data elements
To declare data elements at configuration or installation time, modify the XML files using any ASCII editor. These data elements can be dynamically updated at runtime.
The following are example definitions of data elements as they might appear in a data definition file:
<field id="accountNumber"/>
<field id="onlineFlag" value="yes"/>
<field id="amount" description="Transaction amount"/>
<field id="currentDate"/>
<kColl id="userInfo" dynamic="true" description="User information">
  <field id="userName"/>
  <field id="password"/>
  <field id="privileges"/>
  <refData id="currentDate"/>
<iColl id="currencies" size="8" description="List of currencies">
  <field id="currency">
For more examples of defining data elements, see the examples in Instantiating data elements.
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