Runtime components : Core components : Contexts : Tasks : Customizing contexts : Defining contexts : Managing service in context lifecycle
Managing service in context lifecycle
Context can refer to service. With this function, context can manage one or more UDTT services in context lifecycle. Following is the definition sample:
<context id="branchServer" type="branch" parent="nil">
  <refKColl refId="branchData" />
  <refService refId="realCSServer" alias="CSServer" type="service" />
The context interface has the following APIs to support this function:
public void addService(Service aService, String aServiceName, String aServiceType) throws DSEInvalidRequestException;
public Hashtable getServices();
public Service getService(String aServiceName) throws DSEObjectNotFoundException;
public void stopServicesInChildren() throws DSEInvalidRequestException ;
public void stopServices();
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Defining contexts