Runtime components : Core components : Typed data : Tasks : Creating a typed data element
Creating a typed data element
This section describes how to create a UDTT typed data element.
1 In the Transaction editor, click the Data tab.
2 Right-click in the Data panel, and then click New Child > data.
The Data panel.
3 In the RefType field of the Detailed Information panel, click the Browse icon to select a type for the data element.
Four types are available for selection: String, Number, Date, and Currency.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 Create parameters for the typed data element. In the Data panel, right-click the typed data element you just created, and then click New Child > param.
The parameters are used to validate or to convert data.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
5 In the Key field of the Detailed Information panel, select a parameter; and then in the Value field of the Detailed Information panel, enter a value for the parameter.
Selecta parameter in the Detailed Information panel and set a value forthe parameter.
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