Runtime components : Core components : Formatters : Concepts : Built-in FormatElements : Field Format Element
Field Format Element
Every field format element is a subclass of Because there are different types of data field, there are different kinds of field format element accordingly. The attributes of field format element customizes their behavior in the formatting and unformatting process. The classes listed in the following table are all in the package
Classes, Attributes and sample definitions of Field Format Element
ClassSample definition
(Format/unformat a data field which is in type of java.lang.String)
<fString dataName="name" encoding="cp937"/>
the encoding of string. If not specified, uses default encoding of java system.
formatAs: optional values are: lowercase,uppercase and nocasecast. default value is nocasecast.
unformatAs: optional values are: lowercase,uppercase and nocasecast. default value is nocasecast.
(Format/unformat a data field which is in type of byte, short, int or long)
<fInteger dataName="dInt" size="int" byteOrdering="pc"/>
For example, if you format an integer value of -1024 with this format element, you will get the binary message: 00FCFFFF (hex value).
If you unformat a binary message 00FCFFFF with this format element, you will get an integer value of -1024.
optional values are: 1(byte), 2(short), 4(int), 8(long). default value is 4.
optional values are: pc(little-endian) and host(big-endian). default value is pc.
optional values are: yes, no. default value is yes.
(Format/unformat a data field which is in type of float or double)
<fFloat dataName="dFloat" size="float" byteOrdering="host"/>
For example, if you format a float value of -1024.5, you will get the binary message: C4801000 (hex value). If you unformat a binary message C4801000 with this format element, you will get a float value of -1024.5
optional values are: 4(float), 8(double) default value is 4.
optional values are: pc(little-endian) and host(big-endian). default value is pc.
(Format/unformat a data field which is in type of float/double/integer/long, target message is byte representation of the data field)
<fPacked dataName="dDouble" decPlaces="2" type="double"/>
For example, if you format a double value of -1024.5 with this format element, you will get the binary message: 0102450D (hex value).
an integer value which is >=0 default value is 0.
optional values are: yes, no default value is: yes
optional values are: float, double, int, long default value is: int
(Format/unformat a data field which is in type of Date)
<fPackedDate dataName="aDate" />
For example, if you format a Date value of Fri Apr 24 10:00:00 GMT+03:00 1998, you will get the binary message: 240498 (hex value).
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Built-in FormatElements