Base ClassDescription
CompositeFormatSplit the input message into two messages, and return them as an array in length of 2. The first message in the array is the message that should be processed by this format element, and the second message is the remaining message.
Take Message 1FCD2639FE for example: the returned array of Message may be {1FCD, 2639FE}. The first element 1FCD is the Message required by this FormatElement, while the second element 2639FE is the remaining Message.
Translate the data into binary message.
Translate the binary message into data.
Return the children format element of the composite format element. You can call it in extract, format and unformat methods.
public Message[] extract(Message message) throws ExtractException;
public Message format(ReadAdapter dataAdapter) throws FormatException;
public void unformat(Message message, WriteAdapter dataAdapter) throws UnformatException
public List<FormatElement>getChildren ();
FieldFormatSplit the input message into two messages, and returned them as an array in length of 2.
Translate the data into binary message.
Translate the binary message into data.
public Message[] extract(Message message) throws ExtractException;
public Message format(ReadAdapter dataAdapter) throws FormatException;
public void unformat(Message message, WriteAdapter dataAdapter) throws UnformatException
BaseDecoratorSplit the input message into two messages, and returned them as an array in length of 2.
public Message[] extract(Message message) throws ExtractException;
Modify the binary message after execute format method of the decorated format element.
protected Message addDecoration(Message message) throws FormatException;
Modify the binary message before execute unformat method of the decorated format element.
protected Message removeDecoration(Message message) throws UnformatException;