Runtime components : Core components : Operations : Tasks : Defining operation flows
Defining operation flows
To define an operation flow, define one or more operation steps in the toolkit operation definition file or the operation's self-defined file. If you decide to build your operation flow based on states and using a flow processor, define your operation steps as actions associated with the states of the business process. For more information on using a flow processor in this way, see Operation flow processors in the flows documentation.
The following is an example of an operation flow that groups a set of operation steps into an opStepskColl keyed collection:
<opStepsKColl id="flow1">
  <opStep id="writeJournal" on0Do="sendHost" on1Do="rollback" onOtherDo="return"/>
  <opStep id="rollback" onOtherDo="return"/>
  <opStep id="sendHost" on0Do="receiveHost" onOtherDo="return"/>
  <opStep id="receiveHost" on0Do="next" on1Do="error1" onOtherDo="return"/>
  <opStep id="error1" on0Do="next" onOtherDo="return"/>
  <opStep id="exists" onTrue="next" onFalse="error1" dataElement="amount"/>
The toolkit operations definition file must contain the definition for the opStepskColl. One or more operations can reference this collection of operation steps by using the <refOpSteps> tag in the operation definition as shown in the following example:
<operation id="myServerOp" context="myServerOpCtx"
  <refFormat name="csReplyFormat" refId="myCSServerOpFormat"/>
  <refOpSteps refId="flow1"/>
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