Runtime components : Core components : Flows : Concepts : Processor events
Processor events
A processor event is a stimulus that triggers a state transition, except when event occurs as a result of an exit action. The name of the processor event derives from the name of the notifier for the event and the action the notifier performed concatenated with a dot separator. For example, if the hostService Notifier is closing, the name of the event being broadcast is hostService.closed. Any notifier available in the context hierarchy or the action being executed can broadcast (fire) the event.
Because the processor can be in only one state at a time, the events queue is unique to each processor and shared by all the states. When the processor exits a state, the toolkit clears the events queue so that a subsequent state does not handle events generated in the previous state. You can change this behavior using the cleanEventsQueueOnSwitch parameter in the Processor definition.
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