Runtime components : Core components : UDTT definition description : Data configuration
Data configuration
Data elements are what the toolkit uses to hold data in a structure that enables toolkit entities, processes, and services to add, update, and delete the data during runtime.
<field id="initializer" value="" />
This class is responsible for initializing all data configurations. It is packaged in bttcore.jar.
<field id="extFile" value="data.xml" description="The recommended location is under same folder of btt.xml"/>
The extended file contains the data definition for the application. By default, the extended file locates under the same folder of btt.xml.
<kColl id="classTable">
The classTable contains a collection of class field definitions for the keywords of the data element and the implemented class. Those definitions can be added and removed from the collection. Only those definitions in the classTable collection can be used to define its data in extended file.
<field id="field" value="" description="A data field represents a single data item and is the only data element provided by the toolkit that has a value. " />
A data field represents a single data item and is the only data element provided by the toolkit that has a value.
<field id="iColl" value="" description="An indexed collection contains an ordered collection (that is, an array-type collection) of instances identified by their position in the collection. All of the data elements in the indexed collection must be the same type." />
An indexed collection contains an ordered collection (that is, an array-type collection) of instances identified by their position in the collection. All of the data elements in the indexed collection must be the same type.
<field id="kColl" value="" description="A keyed collection contains an ordered collection of data elements identified by name. Because it holds key-value pairs, a keyed collection is similar to a dictionary." />
A keyed collection contains an ordered collection of data elements identified by name. Because it holds key-value pairs, a keyed collection is similar to a dictionary.
<field id="bColl" value="" description="A bean collection contains an ordered collection of data elements. A BeanCollection corresponds to a POJO, and the data elements in this BeanCollection correspond to the attributes of the POJO." />
A bean collection contains an ordered collection of data elements. A BeanCollection corresponds to a POJO, and the data elements in this BeanCollection correspond to the attributes of the POJO.
<field id="operDef" value="" />
<field id="procDef" value="" />
The two lines of configuration items define the keywords operDef and procDef. Their implemented class is OperField, which is packaged in bttcore.jar.
Besides field, kColl, bColl, iColl, operDef and procDef, you can define your customized data for reuse. The following code is sample customized data:
<!--field id="sessionEntry" value=""/-->
<!--field id="sessionTable" value=""/-->
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UDTT definition description