Runtime components : Core components : UDTT definition description : Service configuration
Service configuration
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides a set of service objects that enable an application to complete an operation. These services include host communications, journaling, store-and-forward for off-line operations, financial devices for input and output operations, and so on.
<field id="initializer" value="" />
The class is responsible for initializing all service configurations. The class is packaged in bttcore.jar
<field id="extFile" value="service.xml" description="The recommended location is under same folder of btt.xml"/>
The extended file contains processor definitions for the application. By default, the extended file is in the same folder with btt.xml.
<kColl id="classTable">
The classTable contains a collection of definitions for the service keywords and their implemented class. Those definitions can be added and removed from the collection. Only those definitions in the classTable collection can be used to define its service in extended file.
<field id="MQConnection" value="" />
The MQ Connector service enables a local application to communicate with a partner application through WebSphere MQ. It handles communication between the server and the host. The service uses WebSphere MQ for Java (package name
<field id="JDBCJournal" value="" />
Electronic Journal provides storing and retrieving of data from a set of tables, usually in a database. JDBCJournal extends the Journal class. JDBCJournal can work with any DBMS (database management system) that provides a JDBC driver. This subclass can be further subclassed if additional functionality is required.
<field id="JDBCTableService" value="" description="compound" />
The Database Table Mapping service enables any application to connect to a specific database and use an existing table within the database. It implements a common application interface that integrates the different database access services provided by the toolkit, thus making application development simpler.
<field id="JDBCServicesConnectionManager" value="" description="compound" />
The JDBCServicesConnectionManager is a toolkit service that manages database connections when the application tries getting a connection from a connection pool or sharing an existing connection.
<field id="LDAPService" value="" />
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Access Service enables an application to communicate with an LDAP-compliant directory service or LDAP framework. This service provides support for LDAPv2 and LDAPv3, through the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).
<!--field id="CSClient" value="" description="For client side usage, if need, please release the comments"/-->
The Java Connector, together with the Java Client/Server Service used by the client part of the Java application, composes the Client/Server Mechanism. The Client/Server (C/S) Service provides the client/server interface used by the operation infrastructure. It is basically comprised of a client/server service on the client side (CSClient bean) and a client/server service on the server side (CSServer bean).
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UDTT definition description