Runtime components : Core components : Initialization manager : Tasks : Defining the components configuration in btt.xml file
Defining the components configuration in btt.xml file
The file btt.xml is the configuration file for all the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) components. Following is a sample of btt.xml configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0">
  <kColl id="components">
    <kColl id="componentA">
      <field id="initializer" value="mypackage.AInitializer" />
      <field id="attributeA" value+"valueA" />
    <kColl id="componentB">
      <field id="initializer" value="mypackage.BInitializer" />
      <field id="attributeA" value="valueA" />
In one UDTT application, you can only have one btt.xml file. When you call InitManager.reset() method, the InitManager performs the following actions:
parses the btt.xml file
finds out the components tag
gets the value of <field id="initializer"/> tag
instantiates the Initializer for the component
calls Initializer.initialize() method
Then the Initializer of the component will get initialized. The InitManager gets all the UDTT components initialized one by one.
Note If you remove the configuration for a component, the component will not be initialized. In this way, you can choose which components to use, and disable the other components.
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