Runtime components : Core components : Initialization manager : Tasks : Setting up global settings : Configuring global settings
Configuring global settings
You can define these settings in the configuration section of btt.xml:
Global settings
Enables or disables the use of a GUI that shows the system's progress in reading the XML files.
Disable this setting for operating systems that do not have GUIs.
Default value: no
Determines where the system can find the operation definitions:
Grouped - all operations are defined in the operation XML file (or the file defined by the operation setting in the files collection. See Definition file names in this table for more information)
Split - all operations are defined in self-defined operation files
Mixed - operations are defined in either the operation XML file or in self-defined operation files
Default value: mixed
Initialization parameters
Determines how the system initializes and determines whether the system creates certain caches. For information about the detailed settings in the initialization component, see Setting initialization parameters.
Paths to the definition files
This collection sets the location of the definition files. The location can be an absolute or relative path, an HTTP address, or fromJAR, which indicates that the files are in JAR files.
Externalizer accessors
This collection identifies accessor classes for certain externalizers. This enables you to customize the externalizers with application-specific extensions.
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Setting up global settings