Runtime components : Core components : Externalizers : Tasks : Using independent definitions
Using independent definitions
To use independent definitions, specify the implementation class directly in the tag by using the implClass attribute.
Note Tag can have any name because the implClass tag attribute specifies the implementation class. The externalizer instantiates the object using this implClass and does not use the tag name in this case.
To use independent implementation definitions for types and typed data in self-defined processors files, define the types at the same level that the file defines processors and other entities (context, formats and services):
<processor id="processName" context="processNameCtxt"
<refFormat name="formatName" refId="myFormat"/>
<Type id="Money" implClass="">
<descriptor id="typeDefault"

<kColl id="Data">
<data id="myBalance" refType="Money"/>
<fmtDef id="myFormat">
<Service id="theServiceName"
<context id="processNameCtxt" type="proc" parent="workstation">
<refKColl refId="Data"/>
<refService refId="theServiceName" alias="theService" type="test"/>
Note Within the data definition you can define typed data by using the data tag and pointing to a type defined either in the generic types file or in the same self-defined file as demonstrated in the above example. The Money type defined in this file cannot be defined in any other file.
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