Runtime components : Core components : Externalizers : Reference : Search order for resolving tag references
Search order for resolving tag references
The following table provides a summary of the search order externalizers use to resolve references in the generic definition files. All externalizers throw an IOException if they do not find an attribute value. See Linkable tags for details of each of the tags below.
DataElement entity type
Linkable tag name
Search order for generic definition files
Searches from beginning of the generic data definition file for the tag with an id attribute that matches the value of the refId attribute.
Context entity type
Linkable tag name
Search order for generic definition files
Searches from beginning of the generic data definition file for the tag with an id attribute that matches the value of the refId attribute.
Searches from beginning of the generic services definition file for the tag with an id attribute that matches the value of the refId attribute.
Searches from beginning of the generic contexts definition file for the tag with an id attribute that matches the value of the refId attribute.
Searches from beginning of the generic types definition file for the tag with an id attribute that matches the value of the refId attribute.
FormatElement entity type
Linkable tag name
Search order for generic definition files
Searches from beginning of the generic formats definition file for the tag with an id attribute that matches the value of the refId attribute.
Service entity type
Linkable tag name
Search order for generic definition files
Processor entity type
Linkable tag name
Search order for generic definition files
Any processor tag
Within any processor tag, two attributes can be references. The context attribute can contain a reference to a context, which causes the externalizer to start the search from the beginning of the generic contexts file. The refFlow attribute can contain a reference to a flow, which causes the externalizer to start the search from the beginning of the generic processors definition file.
Any transition tag
Within any transition tag, two attributes can be references. The context attribute can contain a reference to a context, which causes the externalizer to start the search  from the beginning of the generic contexts file. The inputMapFmt/outputMapFmt attributes can contain a reference to a format, which causes the externalizer to start the search from the beginning of the generic formats definition file.
Any action tag
Within any action tag, two attributes can be references. The context attribute can contain a reference to a context, which causes the externalizer to start the search from the beginning of the generic contexts file. The inputMapFmt/outputMapFmt attributes can contain a reference to a format, which causes the externalizer to start the search from the beginning of the generic formats definition file.
Any condition tag
Within any condition tag, the context attribute can contain a reference to a context, which causes the externalizer to start the search from the beginning of the generic contexts file.
Searches from beginning of the generic formats definition file for the tag with an id equal to the attribute value.
View entity type
Linkable tag name
Search order for generic definition files
Within the view tag, the context attribute can contain a reference to a context, and causes the externalizer to start the search from the beginning of the generic contexts file.
TypedData entity type
Linkable tag name
Search order for generic definition files
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