Runtime components : Core components : Web services access : Web services invocation for UDTT Web services applications
Web services invocation for UDTT Web services applications
Web services invocation for applications follows the programming model. The Web services access component consists of the following modules:
Web services access operation
Is a server operation in the presentation layer that reroutes a request to the remote operations that are encapsulated in the Web services.
Web services connector
Is the component that is required by the Web service access operation to access Web services.
Web services mapper
Is a formatter that is required by a Web services access operation to map data between the context and the Web services JavaBeans.
During a Web service invocation, the Web services access operation first retrieves data from the context. The Web services access operation then calls the Web services mapper to build the JavaBeans that are required as input parameters by the Web services provider. The JavaBeans that have been built by the Web services mapper are then used by the Web services connector to invoke a remote Web services operation. After the Web services have been invoked, the Web services connector returns JavaBeans from the Web services to the application, and the Web services mapper maps data that has been sent from the Web services provider to the context.
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Web services access