Runtime components : Core components : Web services access : Accessing Web services : Defining the Web services mapper : Mapping an indexed collection to an array of integers
Mapping an indexed collection to an array of integers
The following example is a definition of a Web services mapper that is designed to map an iColl from to an array of integers from a Web service data model. In the following example, IColl_Context2IntArray.* is used to substitute for all the elements that are contained in the iColl, and array.* is used to substitute for all the elements that are contained in the array. An iColl can be mapped to an array because they have the same data structure. Only data that share the same structure can be mapped to each other.
<fmtDef id="fmt_Context2IntArray">
  <wsMapperConverter isPrimitive="false" javaClass="int[]">
    <mapper from="IColl_Context2IntArray.*" to="array.*"
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Defining the Web services mapper