Runtime components : Presentation components : Rich Client Infrastructure : Tasks : Specifying the perspective layout
Specifying the perspective layout
You can specify the layout of perspective by configuring an XML file, and then add the path of the XML file in plug-in editor. See the following screen capture of specifying the perspective layout:
screen capture of specifying the perspective layout
Refer to the UDTT Rich Client Perspective Definition in Extension Points Reference.
Example of a layout configuration file
<view id="" relationship="left" ratio="1.0" refId="editarea" />
<folder id="integration" relationship="right" ratio="0.28" refId="">
<page id="" holder="true"/>
<page id="" holder="true"/>
<folder id="workarea" relationship="bottom" ratio="0.4" refId="integration">
<page id="" holder="true" moveable="false" closeable="false"/>
<page id="*" holder="true"/>
Three tags are defined in this configuration file: view, folder and page. Page is a special view to hold in the folder. All the attributes are designed to map the Eclipse perspective layout definition.
Attributes in layout configuration files
id: required. The ID of the view.
refId: required. The referred view ID in order to identify the position. The value editarea means the whole area of this perspective.
relationship: required. The relationship between this component and the referred component.
showTitle: optional. Specify whether the title of the view is displayed. The default value is true.
standalone: optional. Specify whether this view is standalone. The default value is false.
holder: optional. Specify whether this view is displayed at first. The default value is true, which means that the review is not displayed at first, but a space is reserved for displaying.
closeable: optional. Specify whether this view can be closed. The default value is true.
moveable: optional. Specify whether this view is moveable. The default value is true.
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