Runtime components : Presentation components : JSPs : Reference : Custom JSP tags : URITag
A URITag creates an URI on the HTML page with all the parameters required to access the toolkit server.
URITag attributes
Name of the event to be executed when the form is submitted. This attribute can be omitted when starting a new processor as the event sent to the server is a start event.
Default value: null
Name of the operation. This attribute is only required when a new processor is started.
Default value: null
Name of the context. This attribute is only required when a new processor is started.
Default value: null
Name of the context. This attribute is only required when a new processor is started.
Default value: null
Overrides the default error for a specific call
Default value: null
Class that is to execute the event
Default value: WebApplicationURI+"/Request"
Additional parameters to be added to the URI. Use ampersands (&) to separate the parameters if there is more than one parameter.
Default value: null
Example of using URITag
<%@ taglib uri="/dse.tld" prefix="dse" %>
<H1>Using the URI Tag</H1>
"<dse:uri nextEventName="ok"/>"<br>
"<dse:uri nextEventName="ok" errorPage="formPage.jsp" action="/hbank/req"
"<dse:uri opName="depositOp"/>"<br>
"<dse:uri opName="depositOp" nextEventName="ok" extraParams="lang=es_ES"/>"
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Custom JSP tags