Runtime components : Runtime Tools : Health Monitor : Deployment
Health Monitor is delivered as a jar (udtt-healthmonitor.jar) and a zip file ( You can find them in the installation folder at {install-dir}\lib\HealthMonitor\.
Health Monitor is not enabled by default. Follow the steps below to enable it in your application.
Add to classpath
Add udtt-healthmonitor.jar to the classpath
Place the udtt-healthmonitor.jar in <UDTT-Web-App>/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/
This is the whole server part of Health Monitor.
Copy content
Copy client content to web content folder
Extract to <UDTT-Web-App>/WebContent/HealthMonitor.
This is the whole client part of Health Monitor.
Configure web.xml
Health Monitor uses a listener to record the request information for statistics purpose, and uses a servlet as its entry point.
You can configure it in web.xml as below.

Settings in btt.xml
Following the pattern of UDTT, Health Monitor holds its settings in btt.xml.
You can add these settings (as below) under the components section in btt.xml.
<kColl id="components">
<kColl id="settings">
<kColl id="HealthMonitor">
<field id="initializer"
value="" />
<field id="trust_host"
value=" localhost 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1"
description="ONLY permit the access from the trust IP/hostname" />
<field id="monitor_enable"
description="Whether enable the monitor function or not" />
<field id="monitor_throttle"
description="Monitor the slow operation that cost more time than
the throttle in milliseconds" />
For safety considerations, you can permit access to the Health Monitor ONLY from a trusted IP/host, separated by space.
For safety reasons, you MUST BE VERY CAREFULLY when setting up the SSH/VPN tunnel or proxy facilities by yourself if you want to access it beyond these trust_host.
To generate usage statistics of the UDTT Operation/Flow, the Health Monitor needs to record the request information (for statistics only, no business data).
For the most flexibility and the best performance you can enable or disable the monitor function at runtime on demand.(Check this below at System overview)
Here is the default value.
Monitor any slow operation that costs more time than the throttle in milliseconds.
You can check the result (column “Overtime Amount”) at “Request statistics” page.
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Health Monitor