Runtime components : Runtime Tools : Trace Facility
Trace Facility
The UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) Trace Facility helps you isolate problems and debug your code either during the application development phase or at runtime. By enabling the trace mechanism, you can see the values of code variables while the application is running, the code path being executed, and other useful information. You can decide which information will be traced and where it will be kept.
Trace records can be created by a call from the application or any toolkit component, and are reported to the display, to a file, or to the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) console or logs.
You can use different categories of tracing to configure the trace system according to your needs. Each trace call is associated with a component, a level, and a type that specifies a trace record. Whether or not the trace call results in a trace report depends on whether the trace records for the specified component, level, and type are enabled for tracing.
You can configure the trace level by package and class name. These settings are read from the toolkit configuration file for use at initialization. The trace level configuration of the package can be registered to WAS and Java logging. The Trace system's public API allows an application to check for enabled levels for a given package or class name before invoking the Trace Facility; this avoids unnecessary trace calls.
How the trace works
Trace APIs
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Runtime Tools