Runtime components : Service components : Communication services : MQ Connector : Tasks : Creating and closing a dynamic queue
Creating and closing a dynamic queue
To create a dynamic queue instead of a static queue, set the following in the external definition for the MQConnection instance that you want to use:
For dynamic queues used to send MQ messages:
Specify the model queue for the send queue in the sendModelQ tag attribute.
Note The model queue name must be defined using WebSphere MQ.
Set the sendToQType tag attribute to "model"
For dynamic queues used to receive MQ messages:
Specify the model queue for the reply queue in the replyModelQ tag attribute.
Note The model queue name must be defined using WebSphere MQ.
Set the replyToQType tag attribute to "model"
By default, the name of the dynamic send queue is the name of the MQConnection instance appended with sendQ. For example, if the MQConnection is called MQC, the name of the send queue is MQCsendQ. To specify a different name for the send queue, use the sendDynamicQTemplate tag attribute. The name of the reply queue follows the same rules as the send queue name except that its default name ends with replyQ instead of sendQ and you use the replyDynamicQTemplate attribute to set a different name for the reply queue.
To close a dynamic queue, send it the closeConnection message. If the queue is temporary, WebSphere MQ deletes it.
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