Runtime components : Service components : Host Access Manager : Connection Pool
Connection Pool
For any connection with a session state, it is recommended that connection pool be used because it will reduce the cost of establishing sessions. The connection pool is common for any type of host connections of Host Access Manager.
The following is a connection pool configuration XML example.
<service id="commPool" implClass="" initialSize="2" maxPoolSize="5" cleanupTime="3000" retryCount="10" timeBetweenRetries="2000" />
The connection pool has following properties:
The connections to be created when the pool is initialized.
The maximum size of connections in the pool.
The interval time (MS) for cleaning up idle connections by the regular cleaning process. During clean up, if there are redundant idle connections exceeding initial size, they will be cleaned up. After cleaning, the minimum number of connections will be restored to initial size (connections in use will not be cleaned up, so they may not return to initial size).
The number of retries when the application fails to get the connection from the pool (automatic retrying).
Retry interval (MS) when the application fails to get the connection from pool.
To use the connection pool, the user simply needs to refer to the pool ID when defining the connector:
<service id="hostLu62OutgoingConnector_pool" pool="commPool" outgoing="true" symbolicDestinationName="DSCCRIS0" synchronousMode="disabled"
implClass="" />
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Host Access Manager