Runtime components : Service components : Database services : Database Table Mapping : Tasks : Executing stored procedures
Executing stored procedures
The method executeProcedure() is used to execute a database-defined stored procedure. This method takes the name of the stored procedure as its argument.
If the stored procedure has only input parameters, this method also takes either the formatted input parameters, or a context instance together with a formatter name, or a context instance together with a formatter instance. In the latter two cases, the service itself calls the format() method of the formatter object to build the input parameters that will be passed as arguments of the stored procedure.
If the stored procedure has output parameters, the executeProcedure() method will take as arguments (together with those previously described arguments) either the output formatter name or the output formatter instance (the formatter being defined in the toolkit formats definition file).
If the stored procedure has not been previously registered in the database, the executeProcedure() method will throw a DSESQLException.
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