Runtime components : Service components : Database services : Database Table Mapping : Reference : Database Table Mapping exceptions
Database Table Mapping exceptions
The Database Table Mapping service throws the following exceptions:
The current state of the object is not valid for the method being called.
Action: Check for the connection to the database and, if it is not available, create the connection before requesting any database operation.
Internal data is inconsistent.
Action: Report the error to support through the standard reporting channels.
One of the arguments in the called method is invalid. It is an instance of an unexpected class or it is outside the expected range.
Action: Check the value of the arguments.
An object that was expected to exist during the processing of the method has not been found.
Action: Check for the correct setup of your environment.
An exception has been returned when accessing the database.
Action: Refer to the SQL documentation to take the appropriate action for the specific error number and message.
An exception has been returned when requesting or releasing a connection from a pool of connections or when trying to share a connection.
Action: Verify that the connection pooling is available. Check for the maximum number of connections defined and the connection timeout, and possibly set new values that will prevent this exception from occurring in the future.
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