Runtime components : Service components : Smart channel services : Smart data collector : JMS : JMS handler in client side
JMS handler in client side
The UDTT smart data collector supports a default JMS handler to collect smart data, which can help buffer the request for collecting the data to avoid the potential performance bottleneck. User also can implement the JMS by MQ. You can configure the JMS collecting pattern in client side and server side.
1 To collect the data by JMS pattern in the client side, you need to create the MDBEJB project and configure the JMS in WebSphere admin console. Refer to the step 2 and step 3 in JMS handler in server side.
2 Then copy the jmsClinetCollector.jsp data from the client/collector directory of bttweb2collector into the web directory of the web project. Integrate the jmsClinetCollector.jsp into the web page which is configured to collect the data. Add the initialization code in the script:”initJmsEnv()”. Following is the sample code:
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<jsp:useBean id="utb" scope="page"
<% utb.initialize(request); %>
</jsp:useBean><% String userId=(String)utb.getContext().getValueAt("userId"); %>
<head><jsp:include page="jmsClientCollector.jsp" flush="true"/><script type="text/javascript">
initJmsEnv(); saveVisitData("<%=userId%>");
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