Runtime components : Service components : Smart channel services : Smart widget : Using the service rate widget
Using the service rate widget
The service rate widget help bank to know the monthly usage rate of one service during a year. To integrate this widget into your project, refer to following steps:
1 In the “client/widget” path of file bttweb2collector.jar, copy the file serviceOperateRate.jsp in folder serviceOperateRate and copy the file smartWidget.jsp in smartWidget folder to the web project. The file smartWidget.jsp is referenced by the file serviceOperateRate.jsp.
2 Configure the smartWidget.jsp file:
String dojoPath="../../../dojo-release-1.3.2";
The dojoPath is the directory where Dojo locates.
3 Configure the file serviceOperateRate.jsp.
The dwrPath is root path of the web project.
String dwrPath="../../../dwr";
Configure the path of the smartWidget.jsp file.
page="../smartWidget/smartWidget.jsp" flush="true"/>
The service rate widget works as following:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To generate the chart, select the Service, Year, and Type, then click the Query button. The chart shows the usage rate of the service in a year.
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