Runtime components : Service components : LDAP Access Service : Concepts : Request types
Request types
The LDAP Access Service supports several different LDAP request types. These request types support the major functions provided by JNDI. JNDI is the Java standard interface to directory services such as LDAP. Each of the request types supported by the LDAP Access Service is implemented via a subclass of LDAPRequest. The supporting subclass for a request type is referred to as the request model, and contains the data needed by the service to carry out the request.
LDAP request types
list | listbindings
Lists all entries in the directory underneath a given suffix.
Supporting class: LDAPListRequest
Gets an object that is bound to a given DN or suffix.
Supporting class: LDAPLookupRequest
Searches for all entries that match a set of supplied criteria.
Supporting class: LDAPSearchRequest
Creates a new entry in the directory service.
Supporting class: LDAPCreateRequest
Removes a named entry from the directory service.
Supporting class: LDAPDestroyRequest
Modifies a named entry in the directory service.
Supporting class: LDAPModifyRequest
Gets attributes for an object that is bound to the supplied suffix or name.
Supporting class: LDAPGetAttributes Request
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