Runtime components : Service components : LDAP Access Service : Tasks : Setting the input data for LDAP requests
Setting the input data for LDAP requests
The following are the methods that are used to set the input data for LDAP requests. To use the methods appropriately with an LDAP request model, some knowledge of JNDI is required. These methods are intended for use with request models that are obtained by instantiation of a request subclass. However, the following methods may also be called on models obtained via a request format.
setName(String) - Sets the DN or the suffix to list (required)
setName(String) - Sets the DN or the suffix to look up (required)
setName(String) - Sets the DN or the suffix to create in the directory tree (required)
setAttributes(Attributes) - Sets the attributes to be associated with the new entry (optional)
setName(String) - Sets the DN or the suffix to be removed from the directory tree (required)
setName(String) - Sets the DN or the suffix to modify
setModificationItems(ModificationItem[]) - Sets the attributes to modify and how they will be modified (required)
setName(String) - Sets the DN or the suffix to attributes for (required)
setReturningAttributes(String[]) - Sets a list of desired attributes to be returned by the request (optional)
setName(String) - Sets the DN or suffix to search (required)
setFilter(String) - Sets the filter to use in searching (optional)
setFilterExpression(String) - Sets the filter expression to use in searching (optional)
setFilterObjects(Object[]) - Sets a list of objects to be substituted into the filter expression (optional)
setMatchingAttributes(Attributes) - Sets the attributes out of which to create a filter(optional)
setFilterType(String) - Specifies what kind of filter is being used (optional)
setMaxHits(long) - Sets the maximum number of entries to be returned in response to a search request (optional)
setSearchScope(int) - Sets the scope of the search (object, same level, or subtree) (optional)
setTimeLimit(int) - Sets a time-out for the search request (optional)
setFollowReferences(boolean) - Sets a flag to determine how the LDAP server should treat referrals (optional)
setReturnObjects(boolean) - Sets a flag to determine whether the LDAP server will return directory objects along with the search results (optional)
setReturningAttributes(String[]) - Sets a list of desired attributes to be returned (optional)
setSearchControls(SearchControls) - Specifies the input data for a request using a JNDI SearchControl model (optional)
For the LDAPSearchRequest, only one of the following method combinations should be used:
Use setFilter(String) alone
Use setFilterExpression(String) together with setFilterObjects(Object[])
Use setMatchingAttributes(Attributes) alone
These methods are used to create search filters. The method being used to obtain a search filter is specified by calling setFilterType(String). The request model may be automatically populated with data if it is obtained using an externalized definition.
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