Runtime components : Service components : Remote cache service : Class and API reference : class RCacheOperation
class RCacheOperation
package com.unicomsi.udtt.rcache
public class RCacheOperation extends BTTServerOperation
RCacheOperation is an enhanced BTTServerOperation. This implementation is remote cache aware. The operation reads, writes or deletes data to and from the cache.
You define an operation with this class or its extension and define the data of the operation with proper parameters:
remoteCache : value
where value is a string with one of the following values:
(default) NULL or empty: the remote cache is not used
R: read/pull data from the remote cache before the operation
W: write/push data to the remote cache after the operation
D: delete/drop data from the remote cache after the operation
remoteKey : value
where value is a string with one of the following values:
(default) NULL or empty: use the name of the data element as the key, that is:
key = dataElement.getName()
the key of the remote data to read, write, or delete to/from the remote cache
$string (a string that is prefaced with the ‘$’ character): retrieve the key from the current context, that is:
key = thisContext.getValueAt("string")
The class provides the following methods:
public final void execute()
Overwrites the method of BTTServerOperation.
Note that you cannot overwrite this method in the extension; instead overwrite executeOperation().
Execute operation
protected boolean executeOperation()
throws Exception
If required, you can overwrite this method in the extension, as you did for BTTServerOperation.execute().
You can control the Write and/or Delete behavior with the return value of this method.
Returns true (implement the Write and/or Delete), or false (stop processing and do not implement the Write and/or Delete)
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Class and API reference