Runtime components : Service components : Remote cache service : Class and API reference : class JedisConfigHelper
class JedisConfigHelper
package com.unicomsi.udtt.rcache.redis
public class JedisConfigHelper
Jedis configurations initializer.
The Jedis configuration is in the following section in btt.xml.
  <kColl id="RemoteCacheService">
      <kColl id="parameters">
          <kColl id="JedisConfig">
              <field id="host" value="" />
It supports these parameters of Jedis:
host (default is localhost), the host name or IP of the Redis server
port (default is 6379), the port used by Redis server
database (default is 0), Select the Redis logical database
password, the password for the Redis server
clientName, the name of the current connection
connectionTimeout (default is 2000), timeout for the connection (more at JDK:socket.connection())
soTimeout (default is 2000), timeout for read (more at JDK:socket.setSoTimeout())
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