<field id="implClass" value="com.unicom.dtt.serviceengine.ServiceEngine" description="the local proxy to access remote DTT services: flows and operations, extends it if necessary." />
<field id="implClassConfiguration" value="com.unicom.dtt.serviceengine.ConfigManager" description="mange the configurations and controls how to search remote host, extends it if necessary." />
<field id="implClassConnection" value="com.unicom.dtt.serviceengine.protocol.SimpleHttpClient" description="The class to handle the http connections, extends it if necessary, especially for HTTPS." />
<kColl id="Configuration"> <kColl id="ServiceURI"> <!-- the URI of the remote service, accessed by id, e.g., "hostNameA", "*" is the default one if not specified --> <field id="*" value="http://host:port/AppContextRoot/openapi/short/" /> <field id="https" value="https://hostA:securePort/RemoteServiceServer/openapi/short/" /> <field id="hostNameB" value="http://hostB:port/RemoteServiceServer/openapi/short/" /> </kColl>
<kColl id="Connection"> <!-- the parameters for the underlayer HTTP communications --> <field id="Charset" value="UTF-8" /> <field id="PoolMaxTotal" value="200" /> <field id="PoolMaxPerRoute" value="200" /> <field id="RequestConnectTimeout" value="1000000" /> <field id="RequsetSockectTimeout" value="1000000" /> <!-- the parameters for HTTPS --> <field id="CertificateTrustLevel" value="PRIVATE" description="Trust Level for SSL/TLS certificate: ALL, any; PUBLIC, issued by well-known Certificate Authority (CA); PRIVATE, self-signed" /> <field id="SSLProtocol" value="TLS" description="the SSL Context protocol algorithm name, e.g., TLS, TLSv1, TSLv1.2, etc." /> <field id="EnabledCipherSuites" value="" description="the cipher suites enabled for connection" /> <field id="KeyStoreType" value="jks" description="the SSL key store type, e.g., jks, pkcs12, etc." /> <field id="KeyStorePath" value="/yourKeyStore.keystore" description="the path to the key store file" /> <field id="KeyStorePassword" value="password" description="the password of the key store file" /> <field id="KeyPassword" value="password" description="the password of the key" /> <field id="KeyManagerFactoryAlgorithm" value="" description="the key manager factory algorithm name, e.g., PKIX (default), SunX509, IbmX509, etc." /> <field id="TrustStorePath" value="/yourTrustStore.keystore" description="the path to the trust store file" /> <field id="TrustStorePassword" value="password" description="the password of the trust store file" /> <field id="TrustManagerFactoryAlgorithm" value="" description="the trust manager factory algorithm name, e.g., PKIX (default), SunX509, IbmX509, etc." />