Runtime components : Service engine : How to use Service Engine? : How to configure Service Engine?
How to configure Service Engine?
First you should add the udttse.jar to the jar dependencies of the project.
Then you should add these configurations under components of btt.xml as below:
Normally you would edit ServiceEngine.Configuration.ServiceURI as your deployment topology.
Please read the descriptions and comments in it for more details.
Please read “how to use HTTPS” for more details about HTTPS configurations.
<kColl id="ServiceEngine">
<field id="initializer"
      value="" />
<field id="implClass"
      description="the local proxy to access remote DTT services: flows and operations, extends it if necessary." />
<field id="implClassConfiguration"
      description="mange the configurations and controls how to search remote host, extends it if necessary." />
<field id="implClassConnection"
      description="The class to handle the http connections, extends it if necessary, especially for HTTPS." />
<kColl id="Configuration">
      <kColl id="ServiceURI">
      <!-- the URI of the remote service, accessed by id, e.g., "hostNameA", "*" is the default one if not specified -->
      <field id="*"
         value="http://host:port/AppContextRoot/openapi/short/" />
         <field id="https"
         value="https://hostA:securePort/RemoteServiceServer/openapi/short/" />
         <field id="hostNameB"
         value="http://hostB:port/RemoteServiceServer/openapi/short/" />
      <kColl id="Connection">
      <!-- the parameters for the underlayer HTTP communications -->
         <field id="Charset" value="UTF-8" />
         <field id="PoolMaxTotal" value="200" />
         <field id="PoolMaxPerRoute" value="200" />
         <field id="RequestConnectTimeout" value="1000000" />
         <field id="RequsetSockectTimeout" value="1000000" />
           <!-- the parameters for HTTPS -->
         <field id="CertificateTrustLevel" value="PRIVATE"
           description="Trust Level for SSL/TLS certificate: ALL, any; PUBLIC, issued by well-known Certificate Authority (CA); PRIVATE, self-signed" />
         <field id="SSLProtocol" value="TLS"
         description="the SSL Context protocol algorithm name, e.g., TLS, TLSv1, TSLv1.2, etc." />
         <field id="EnabledCipherSuites" value=""
         description="the cipher suites enabled for connection" />
         <field id="KeyStoreType" value="jks"
         description="the SSL key store type, e.g., jks, pkcs12, etc." />
         <field id="KeyStorePath"
         description="the path to the key store file" />
         <field id="KeyStorePassword" value="password"
         description="the password of the key store file" />
         <field id="KeyPassword" value="password"
         description="the password of the key" />
         <field id="KeyManagerFactoryAlgorithm" value=""
         description="the key manager factory algorithm name, e.g., PKIX (default), SunX509, IbmX509, etc." />
         <field id="TrustStorePath"
         description="the path to the trust store file" />
         <field id="TrustStorePassword" value="password"
         description="the password of the trust store file" />
         <field id="TrustManagerFactoryAlgorithm" value=""
         description="the trust manager factory algorithm name, e.g., PKIX (default), SunX509, IbmX509, etc." />
      <kColl id="HTTP-herders">
         <field id="User-Agent"
         value="Mozilla/5.0 Firefox/50.0" />
         <field id="Accept"
         value="text/html,application/xml" />
         <field id="Accept-Encoding"
         value="gzip, deflate, br" />
         <field id="Accept-Language"
         value="en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-CN;q=0.6,zh;q=0.3" />
         <field id="Pragma" value="no-cache" />
         <field id="Cache-Control" value="no-cache" />
         <field id="Connection" value="keep-alive" />
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How to use Service Engine?