Creating applications : Creating applications : Developing applications
Developing applications
You can develop your application by using the wizards and editors in UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™). You create a project to contain the development files for the application, and then define your data, flows, and interfaces. After you build your project, you can deploy your project to your application server and run the application.
To develop the application
1 Create a project by using the wizard.
See Application wizard for details.
A project is created. Some essential definitions, resources, and tooling configurations are generated. You can quickly start developing your application with this project framework.
A sample project that is just created
2 Define the data that is used in the application project according to your design.
See Defining data in transaction editor.
3 Create a flow transaction file.
See Creating a UDTT Flow transaction file.
4 Create the operation transaction file.
See Creating a UDTT Operation transaction file.
5 Define the context, which encapsulates a group of data as a data set for a transaction.
See Defining context in transaction editor.
6 Create an XML user interface (XUI) file and edit the file to develop the application UI and bind the data to the UI elements.
See XUI editor.
7 Assemble the data, operations, and XUI that are defined in previous steps into a transaction flow.
See Drawing flows in the flow editor.
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Creating applications