Creating applications : Creating applications : Rich Client HelloWorld sample : Overview of Rich Client HelloWorld sample : Session establishment process
Session establishment process
This topic describes the process that occurs when a client requests that a Java channel application session be established on the server. This process must be performed if the application is required to run in a session with an application session.
The session must be established between the client and the server before any operation being performed by the application. This process generates a unique session ID that is used to maintain the session. The Rich Client Channel supports the use of the servlet engine's implementation of session management using either cookies or a predefined sessionId parameter in the protocol.
The following procedure establishes a session:
1 CSClient requests establishment of a session.
The CSClient on the client side is responsible for creating the session establishment request.
The application must invoke one of the following methods:
establishSession(boolean newSession)
The CSClient uses the CSConnectionCookies to store any cookies used in creating a connection. This enables the CSClient to pass information in the cookies such as the user ID and password when the toolkit is attempting to access a proxy security application. When the CSClient receives a response, it updates the CSConnectionCookies with any new cookies received from the server. The storage policy that CSConnectionCookies uses is incremental so that it stores all cookies received from or sent to servers. This policy means that it cannot lose any cookies. Currently, the CSClient sends all cookies with any client request.
Note CSConnectionCookies does not have a timeout policy implemented to remove old cookies.
If the application invokes establishSession with no parameters, or with a boolean value of true, a new session is created. If the method is invoked with a boolean value of false, an existing session is used.
2 CSServer handles the session establishment request.
CSServer on the server side is responsible for receiving the data sent from the client. It does the following:
Determines if a new session should be created from the sessionId and serverId.
Uses the createSession parameter to determine if the request should create a new session or use an existing session
If the request is for an existing session, uses the TID to determine the existing session from the application session table
3 CSServer sends the session establishment data to the client. Once the request to establish the session is complete, the CSServer prepares the data to be sent to the client.
4 CSClient receives the session establishment data. On the client side, the data is received and CSClient performs the following steps:
Determines if the session has been successfully established.
Updates the CSClient with the values obtained in the response.
Session error management
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Overview of Rich Client HelloWorld sample