Development tools : UDTT Perspective : Components : UDTT Project Explorer : Resources folder
Resources folder
The Resources folder contains development resources that are needed during the application transactions development:
properties files for NLS support
images used during views development
the css style files used to customize the style of the view’s widgets
any other shared resources (for example, the Lists folder may contain the files with the valid business values for a combo or select list widgets).
These resources are organized in folders.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
These resources are created and set as part of the development environment by the technical developers. They are automatically accessed by the editors whenever required to set a specific component property value.
You cannot create new folders under the Resources folder, but you can create folders inside the default subfolders (NLS, Styles, Images and Lists) to store resources of that specific type.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To create a subfolder, right‑click the default folder, and then click New > Folder.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Shortcut menu options
When one of the resources inside any of the default folders is selected, the possible actions shown in the context menu (right-clicking on the operation) are shown and described below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Do this
edit a resource
Double‑click the resource.
edit two or more resources
Select the resources, and then right‑click. Click Open.
copy resources
Right‑click the resource, and then click Copy. You can select multiple items to copy.
paste resources
Right‑click the folder in which you want to put the items, and then click Paste. You can paste into only a folder that contain resources of the same type.
delete resources
Right‑click the resource, and then click Delete. You can select multiple items to delete. Deleting a folder also deletes its content.
Click Preview to check which items will be deleted.
Although you can deselect the actions that are in the Preview dialog box, this is not recommended as it might create inconsistencies in your development environment.
move a resource
Right‑click the resource, and then click Move. Select the destination folder. You can select only a folder of the same type.
To verify which files will be moved, or to check if there is any problem (for instance, a resource with the same name already exists in the destination folder), click Preview.
change the name of a resource
Right‑click the resource, and then click Rename. Type the new name. You include the file extension.
To verify which files will be renamed, or to check if there might be a problem (for instance, a resource with the same name already exists in the destination folder), click Preview.
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